It’s Time for a New Garage Door – A new garage door and opener provides curb appeal, which can increase property value and a level of security for your belongings and family. This intricate system, when properly maintained, works together to ensure the door operates efficiently.

To maintain their value and beauty, garage doors must also be free of dents, rotting, warping, and, most importantly, persistent noise. If your door is older, damaged, or noisy, you may want to consider replacing it.

It’s Time for a New Garage Door

It’s effortless to take a garage door for granted. Yet, a garage door is actually a handy and valuable entrance to your home.

When you find yourself regularly hearing unpleasant noises coming from your garage door, you know something is not quite right. In fact, it might be time to service, upgrade, or replace that door. Additionally, the garage door might be missing safety features. These become critical when you have young ones running around. Here are some helpful tips to help you decide if it’s time for a new garage door.

Signs That It May Be Time For A New Garage Door

Repeated Breakdowns and Persistent Noise:

Persistent noise and frequent maintenance are two signs that you need a change. The money spent on service calls, labor, and parts associated with repairs can become costly. Also, a garage door that does not work well can pose safety risks.

Wear and Tear:

Over time, the springs that hold up your garage door experience wear and tear. Changing temperatures and daily use put a strain on the metal, and often one will start to give out before the other.

If the door begins to rattle as it opens and shuts, try opening it manually and closing it halfway. A door that stays put when you let go is fine, but if it starts to fall, you’re dealing with spring problems. This should be addressed right away to avoid the safety hazards that result from spring failure.

Increase Curb Appeal:

Beautify your home and increase its value and curb appeal by installing a new feature-rich garage door. There are many forms of modern garage doors to complement varying architectural designs. Garage door windows come in numerous styles, such as antique, arch-shaped, printed glass, and more.

Features Your Old Garage Door Lack:

Modern garage doors provide great insulation to keep the cold out and heat inside. Bottom seals, weather strips, and sealing joints keep the wind from entering the garage. You need to ask about these components when looking to replacing your garage door.

Modern garage doors may also have built-in safety features, such as pinch-resistant panels, to reduce the risk of fingers catching in the door while closing or opening.

Damaged Panels or Visible Damage:

Cosmetic damage can occur due to unintended collisions, balls thrown by children against the door, and Environmental.

Garage doors that are bent or are developing cracks and holes in the surface don’t seal properly, resulting in spaces that compromise the integrity of the garage. What seems like simple cosmetic damage could, in fact, be a sign of extensive rot underneath, a problem that can eventually lead to complete door failure.

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If you need help selecting a garage door, opener, have product questions or would like to request a quote or schedule a garage door repair service. Contact us today +1 (519) 735-7790 or send us an email on the form below.